Monday, May 23, 2011

A Lovecraft Retrospective: Artists Inspired by H.P.L.

As marvelous as Centipede Press's Knowing Darkness: Artists Inspired by Stephen King was, A Lovecraft Retrospective excels it in every way.  The text, while dry and not terribly insightful, is more cogent and less error-ridden; the range of artists and styles is, given Lovecraft's longer history, deeper; and the overall quality and wow-factor of the art is greater.  The book itself is even slightly larger.  (And the price tag is higher.)  This is not a book to be flipped through once and then set back on the shelf; it's an artifact to be returned to again and again, allowing the disturbing, evocative images to penetrate deeper and deeper into the mind, until you've been warped permanently.

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